Your pets need and deserve the very best food and the right nutrition and sometimes we need to review our old pet food habits.
All pets need to be fed properly, though we always have the question of what that might be. There are individuals who give their pet’s human food, while others strictly give pet food. We will concentrate on dogs, cats, and rabbits for proper feeding.
All pets need to be fed properly, though we always have the question of what that might be. There are individuals who give their pet’s human food, while others strictly give pet food. We will concentrate on dogs, cats, and rabbits for proper feeding.
How often times have you heard that
rabbits like their vegetables? This is true. Most rabbits need a
steady diet of rabbit food that includes lettuce and carrots. Most of
the time we raise our rabbits on pellets, however, this may not be
fibrous enough and can cause obesity. A steady diet of hay,
vegetables, and pellets will lead to a healthy rabbit.
Is it okay to feed your dog human food?
Most dogs are related to the wolf family a very carnivorous bunch,
which means they need to have meat in their diet. This does not mean
human food is the correct food for them.
It is best to find a dog
food product where the first ingredient is meat. Make sure it is real
meat and not some processed substitute. Feeding your dog human food
is a bad idea because it can be too greasy for them and block their
Dogs have very sensitive digestive tracks so they are
susceptible to diarrhea and upset stomachs if you change their food.
It is best to find a dog food you prefer and that is healthy for
them. You also want to keep them on the same food.
Changing food can
cause problems. If you feel you need to change food, you should
slowly integrate the new food with the old until you have fully
replaced the old. This should take two weeks or a little more. Dogs
when full grown should be fed once a day at the same time.
The reality is that cats are great hunters if you let them
explore the outdoor world. They will often find mice, birds, and
other animals to gain protein.
Like a dog, your cat needs a
consistent diet. You should find a cat food that has the proper
amounts of protein. Cats can also have a very sensitive digestive
system. Finding the right food may be difficult and take a few tries.
If they have a smelly litter box, you will need to change their food.
This is a sure sign they are not receiving a proper diet.
When you
change their food you will want to integrate it slowly over two
weeks. Cats also need the vitamins from milk, though our processed
milk can be too rich for them, they do sell milk for cats in the pet
stores. Another idea is occasionally giving them a small piece of
cheese to help with their dietary needs, however you should try and
find pet food that fits all of their needs.
Grass is also available
for indoor cats and may be a needed to get rid of hairballs. Cats eat
grass when they have an upset stomach. The grass will allow the cats
to rid themselves of the problem and can help them cough up
Picking the right food for your pet
will often mean not feeding them human food, but checking the
ingredients of pet food found in the stores. You want to keep you pet
just as healthy as you would want to keep yourself.
The correct nutrition
for any animal is important to having your pet around for many years.
Some types of pets are more susceptible to disease, like dogs with
heart problems, but they can be monitored through proper care.